No experience is necessary! Beginners are welcome on all of our Eagles & Orcas tours. Your safety is our number one priority. We use very stable double kayaks that tend to be wider and much more stable than single kayaks. We employ mature, seasoned guides who will give you a very thorough on-land orientation before you start your trip. You will learn the basics of kayak paddling including how to steer and fit the boat. We won’t get on the water until everybody feels comfortable with ocean kayaking techniques. Throughout your kayak trip, your guide is always there to give…
Are there age limits for your kayak trips?
We tend to approach the age topic on a case-by-case basis since not all folks have generic body sizes and capacities for activity. As a general rule, 13 to 14-year-olds are able to paddle the double sea kayaks. However, it really does depend on the individual. We have also taken paddlers out as old as 82. We have several triple kayaks that hold three people. In this case, we could put a younger person in the center cockpit, with the forward and aft cockpits occupied by older, more competent paddlers. We have taken out kids as young as 8 on…
Are the whales aggressive and will they tip or capsize my kayak?
While the name “Killer Whale” is a rather disturbing title, (trust me on this, I would not want to be a salmon in the water when they are around) they have shown no aggression toward humans. In the many years Outdoor Odysseys has been running sea kayaking tours on the west side, with literally hundreds of guests, we have never had any incident where the whales tipped over, breached, or made any antagonistic move towards our kayaks. Over the years many of our guests have had the thrill of their lives when whales have passed sometimes within 10 yards of…
Southern Resident Orca Whales Listed as Endangered
On Tuesday November 15, 2005, the federal government increased the level of protection for Puget Sound’s Orca whales by listing them as an endangered species. The Orcas were previously listed as a threatened species.
About San Juan Island’s Orca Whales
Learn more about the habits and habitat of Orca whales. Orcas spend their lives in long-term social groups, called pods (group size: 3-25) These pods are stable family-related groups. Orcas display a high level of care for their offspring. The orca’s gestation period is thought to be 12-16 months, with most calves born between October and March. In addition to the mothers, various
Orca Whale Quick Facts
The largest of all dolphins (the Delphidae family), the orca is also known as killer whale, blackfish and grampus. At birth an orca can weigh up to 395 lbs. The adult weight can range from 2.6 tons to 9 tons. Orcas can swim up to 34 mph (55 km/h). A female orca’s milk contains about 48% fat for several months after her calf is born. During first several months of its life, the calf will often consume 10% of its body weight per day in order to develop a thick layer of insulating fat, or “blubber”, on its body.…